If you find yourself reading this, rest assured that you are not alone in facing a situation that may seem overwhelming. It’s possible that CPS has come to your door following a report about you, your children, or issues that purportedly impact your child(ren). Regardless of the allegations’ nature or their accuracy, it is important to recognize that social workers, particularly those involved in urgent circumstances, often misconstrue facts, magnify misrepresented claims, fabricate evidence, forge documents, or even commit perjury. It is crucial to understand that this mistreatment is not determined by your tax bracket, neighborhood, car, or the state of your home. The truth is that they do not discriminate when it comes to mistreating parents and children. Sadly, children become a source of income for them. They are in charge of employing and generously compensating an entire network of individuals, making the removal of children a vital component for the survival of this industry.

Social workers are junkies

They actually get a rush, from adrenaline, everytime they manipulate their way into your house, get you all nervous and upset. They feel it when they make up stories and watch you squirm. They really feel it when the kids start screaming, “Mommy! Mommy! I don’t want to go! Mommy, I want to stay here, at home, with you! Mommy, don’t make them take me Mommy, PLEASE!” Social workers are addicted to that feeling and they will do or say anything to get their fix.

Add to that, social workers believe that EVERYONE abuses their children so to them, everyone is guilty and that some hide it better than others. From their point of view, the more perfect the house is, the more sinister things that go on there. I hate to admit it but children have tragically been subjected to severe abuse by humans throughout history. (See The History of Child Abuse). More about this below. Fortunately, I do believe that the trend is changing here in the U.S., there are millions of individuals who possess a well-defined sense of morality and would unquestionably sacrifice their lives to ensure the safety of their children.

This is what you are up against so you need to know and be prepared for things coming out of left field.

This offer is for California Residents ONLY, I will offer other states soon. Do you need someone to help you with your CPS case? We are offering case review. $200 (CASES WITH 200 PAGES OR LESS)

201-400 pages add $150

What we will provide you:

  1. Complete case review. We will be looking to pick your case apart. We will point out every law violated, every right violated, every inconsistent statement, inconsistent fact or date, lack of evidence, obvious evidence of ineffective assistance of counsel, every misspelling, every typo.
  2. A narrative of how social services portrays you to be and how to overcome negative bias against you;
  3. Detailed outline of of court hearings (what actually happened and decisions thatr were made). This is crucial to the outcome of your case;
  4. Details about your case you may not be aware of;
  5. A comprehensive review to determine if the documentary evidence against you is authentic;
  6. A comprehensive and detailed list of options to have your child(ren) returned (if they are not living with you), how to be creative with placement individuals, how to communicate with family members who may have your children, how to get your case closed as soon as possible, and other tips and tricks customized to your specific situation. NO ONE ELSE OFFERS THIS, NOT EVEN ATTORNEYS.

You MUST INCLUDE YOUR HEARING TRANSCRIPTS AND MINUTE ORDERS along with the entire case file from the court.


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Your contribution is appreciated.

Your contribution is appreciated.

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Additional Services Bundle $1,000


Description of services:

  1. For the duration of your case you will not be alone. That includes preparing and filing documents with the court such as objections to placement, objecting to requests by social services to place your child(ren) on psychotropic medications, objections to new allegations, submitting evidence to the court, etc,;
  2. If you need a mediator to communicate with social services or your court-appointed attorney, I will provide the necessary permission forms for your signature and I will send them to the appropriate agency and speak to them on your behalf;
  3. Step-by-step instructions and guidance to have your child(ren) returned safely to you;
  4. Includes up to 5 hours of phone consultation time.

PLEASE NOTE: I am not an attorney so I cannot legally give legal advice.

Here is how to get your entire case file:

  1. Go to the court where your hearings are held.
  2. Go to the court clerk’s office (the place with all the customer service windows).
  3. Ask the clerk for a copy of your ENTIRE CASE FILE, you will need a case number and photo ID to prove you are a party to the case (named in the petition or determined to be a parent by the judge). Make sure they include MINUTE ORDERS.
  4. If they want to charge you for copies, go to the Self-Help Center and get, or maybe the clerk will provide them to you, FEE WAIVER FORMS. Fill them out and If you qualify you will not have to pay for the copies of your file. DON’T LET THEM TELL YOU YOUR CASE IS ONLINE BECAUSE IT IS NOT. Your case is confidential, all Juvenile Dependency cases are confidential.
  5. Ask the clerk how to obtain TRANSCRIPTS, ask who the transcriptionist was for each hearing and how to get a hold of them. It may take up to 2 weeks to get the transcripts.
  6. Once you have your case file documents, Minute Orders and the transcripts, kindly mail them to me.
  7. I do not pay for mailing nor do I return them unless you pre-pay the postage.

More about child abuse

A vast majority of children are treated better now than ever. Throughout history, children were perceived as little adults as if they had the mental capacity but lacked self-control so they were treated like little criminals or something. They were seen as bothersome so they were locked in rooms or sent out to work as “apprentices”, basically free labor for sweatshops. Pedophillia was all too common. Today, in Muslin countries, they say that if a woman is a virgin when she gets married that she must not have had any brothers or cousins! This is an undeniable reality that is exceptionally appalling. Numerous societies and cultures around the globe continue to treat children as if they are insignificant creatures, devoid of deserving protection, and exist solely for their perverse pleasure. There are still many wealthy elites who continue to prey upon our children for their sick and demented purposes and conduct rituals sacrificing children for entertainment. (See Bohemian Grove Rituals). I am sure you have heard of Pizza Gate, but have you ever heard the Johnny Gosh story? Ted Gunnerson, retired former Director of the Los Angeles FBI office reported seeing foster children being sold to other countries for the use of sex slavery. Foster care and group homes are the primary supply for sex slaves and human trafficking. Just ask Hillary Clinton. The people who run the world are cult members and believe in population reduction (Agenda 21 renamed Sustainability) and dismantling the family unit is an essential part to the takeover of the world and make us ill prepared to fight against the invaders as these globalists and population control mongorers believe that war is a necessary evil for population control and sustaining the food supply.

Court Cohorts Collecting Kids for Cash

The juvenile dependency courts are completely rigged. Everyone in that court is in on the conspiracy except you. The “Judge” is a paid employee working directly for CPS to always rule in favor of CPS. This cohort does not read the reports, does not manage anything fairly or just, does not conduct hearings according to the law. The whole thing is a big show to generate money for the county. I have links on the side to things like Benchguides (explains in detail everything the Judge should be saying and doing during hearings according to the law), DOGBOOKS (Dependency Quick Guide explaining everything your attorney should be doing for you), CPS Manuals & Policies (that they never adhere to, just a bunch of words that make it look and sound good), and links to your states’ juvenile dependency law code (all the other books will refer to this). If you study all this information, you will have an edge in and out of the courtroom. For example, you can tell the social worker, “According to your policy manual, you must consider placing children with family first, diligently conducting background checks on family members and members of their household before placing a child in foster care.” (if that applies in your state of course) or, “Mr./Ms. Attorney, in is your duty to conduct your own investigation into the facts of the case, to OBJECT to the perjury I am telling you that CPS is committing, it is your duty to CHALLENGE the validity of evidence such as DRUG TESTS by investigating the chain of custody, etc..” The links will give you an ARSENOL of information to protect your family from being permanently separated.

If I do not have your state’s information as a link here or any of my other sites, then do what I do and search the internet for your state’s “[State] Juvenile Dependency Judge Benchguide”, “[State]Dependency guide for attorneys“, “[State] CPS Manual Policy“, “[State} Juvenile Dependency Law Code“. If the term Juvenile Dependency is not commonly used in your state use the department title such as “Department of Child Welfare”, “Family and Children”, “Department of Social Services Child Welfare”, etc.

This is key to the federal funding: REASONABLE EFFORTS. Look for the Judge to say or not say these two words in court. If he does not then the MINUTE ORDER is falsified, claiming he said it when he/she did not. Get the transcript from the person (hired by CPS) who was typing everything in the courtroom. If there was no one there doing that then the proceedings should have been audio recorded and there should be a way to get that, or maybe the transcriptionist types up the transcript by listening to the audio. If you can manage to record the proceedings on your phone (start recording before you walk in the door of the courtroom or call someone and have them listen and remotely record the proceedings. Be sure to put the phone in silent mode or do not disturb and turn the screen off. It would also be a good idea to place electrical tape over the red recording light if there is one, practice this at home the day before the hearing. Your phone might have a time limit of recordings, may not have enough room for saving that file, that’s when its best to call someone and leave the call going when you go into court. Hopefully, you get the idea and will be able to figure out the best way to record the proceedings.

I suggest this because THE JUDGE MAY ORDER THE TRANSCRIPTIONIST TO FALSIFY THE RECORD as he did in the hearing that terminated my parental rights. He ordered that all the objections made by private counsel be erased from the transcript so we would have no appealable issues. We met the transcriptionist 10 years later and she admitted this to us, she said she almost lost her job over it I guess because she really did not want to do it but she did anyway.

After the hearing, request the Minute Order and the Transcript and compare them to your recording. If you find that these legal documents are falsified, I urge you to contact me immediately so I can assist you with filing a complaint with the OIG (Office of the Inspector General) who is the financial auditor for nearly every government department in the US that uses federal funding.


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CPS SCHOOL – LESSON 2 – First Contact

Most people who are reading this post have already experienced the initial visit from Child Protective Services however, it is important to read this lesson to warn friends and family and to avoid a second case.

Did you know that you do NOT HAVE TO ANSWER THE DOOR when social services pays you a visit? Well, its true, you do not have to answer the door, even if they bring the police. If they had reasonable cause to remove your child, they would not be knocking. An anonymous phone call does not qualify for reasonable cause. Now, if they came to the door and heard you beating your child or if it appeared that your child was left alone in the home, they would enter without a warrant and claim that injury was imminent. That rarely happens that I know of but be aware, the police and social workers can be ruthless and they get away with saying whatever the hell they want. 

So, if you hear a knock on the door, always look out the peep hole if you have one or go to another room with a window with visible access to the vehicle(s) that your visitor is driving. If you see that it is a county car simply do not answer it. They will go away. They may return a day or so later but by this time you are prepared. Hopefully you have a screen or security door in addition to the regular door and if you want you can speak to them through the door. Never let them in, even if you feel you have nothing to hide. They will use whatever you say against you by twisting your words and speaking to the children alone is always manipulated. 

Prepare for their return! Remove all toys and bikes from the front of your house and away from both sides of your yard (in case they look over the fence). If you do not have a locking screen or security door, GO GET ONE AND INSTALL IT IMMEDIATELY! If at all possible, install security cameras aiming at the front door and at the street where there is parking so you will be alerted when they come back. If they left a business card the first time, call the number on it the next day after you have prepared your response to their visit. I highly recommend that you simply deny you are the person they are looking for. Tell them that they must have the wrong house. Tell them you do not have any children. If they ask your name, make one up. You could go so far as to draft a Rental Agreement with a different name and show it to them when they come back if it appears that they do not believe you. It is THAT EASY TO GET RID OF THEM! I know this for a fact because it worked for me! Adult Protective Services came to my door for my father (the ex-wife is up to her old tricks again!) and I did not answer it the first time. I thought about how to handle it and when they came back, I answered the door (I have a security door that you can’t see through from the outside so she didn’t even see what I looked like). She asked for Mr. or Mrs. (my father’s last name). I told her she must have the wrong house. She asked me if I had recently moved in and I told her that I was just a housekeeper. She said okay and left in her little white county car! I have not seen or heard from them since!

If your children attend public or private school, immediately after their first visit, you need to call the school and make sure that you do not authorize anyone from social services or the police to question your child without your consent or the child’s attorney present. Do not go to the school at that time, call an attorney and get legal advice and let him know that you gave the school their number. That same day or the next day at the very latest, prepare a NON-AUTHORIZATION and provide copies to the school.  [Links: Word document: Non-Authorization PDF: Non-Authorization

Never ever trust a social worker, no matter how “nice” they seem to be, I guarantee you that even the nicest social workers ARE OUT TO GET YOU! If they were truly nice they would not be a social worker, how can anyone nice ever remove unabused children from their parents? TRUST ME ON THIS!

CPS School – Lesson 1: Referrals

Welcome to the first lesson of CPS School!

The word “referral” is a term with two meanings.

Please note that CPS stands for Child Protective Services. Many states and counties have other names such as DPSS, DCFS, AFCS, et.

#1 Referral=When someone calls a CPS hotline and says that they believe a child is being abused.

#2 Referral= When CPS provides their “clients” (you, your children or other adults involved in the case) with “services” they use the word referral which is telling you to go to a specific place for that service such as parenting classes, counseling, drug testing, etc. but mostly it is paperwork to prove the use of the state and federal money that is given to the Department to steal our children.I


What can you do to avoid the “referral” by someone you know?  There is so sure way however, it may be possible to lower the odds by just getting along with people.

Television and other media has done quite a bit of damage to our families and our community. I was watching MASH (the old show about a medical unit in Korea during the Korean war) and I was disgusted with everyone cheating on their husbands and wives. TV has been brainwashing us to cheat on our spouses because those cool actors in that show did and we all thought nothing of it! Media nowadays is brainwashing us all to be gay! I am OK with homosexuals, if that is the way their bodies are, to each his/her own but TV is actually PROMOTING IT (probably to go along with Agenda 21 which is a depopulation plan). Regardless, media has put us husband against wife, children against parents (along with being taught in school to snitch ON THEIR PARENTS FOR ANY MINOR SPANKING OR PARTYING WHATSOEVER) and neighbor against neighbor. Sure, there has always been disputes over land and whatnot but now we live a few feet from each other and everyone is calling the cops and CPS for little or no valid or verified reason. This is the government’s plan so that we do not band together to overthrow an extremely corrupt system.

Family members and friends may think they are “helping” you and your children but if they truly did, they would not call some strangers out to your house, they would offer their help personally!

It takes a lot of effort to get along with people sometimes but patience and understanding is the key to a happy and content life. I wish I would have put more effort into not being a bitch to my husband’s ex-wife that is for sure! I thought I was so much better than her, I looked at her like she was a piece of shit when I really did not know what she was going through. Turns out that she was more of a piece of shit than I thought but I still could have and should have been kinder as she can’t help it that she has several mental illnesses. I didn’t have to go out of my way to write her that letter telling her what I knew about her past and how she treated her husband and children. All it did was make her resentful of my husband for telling me so much and maybe believing things that were not entirely true. I had my reasons at the time but golly gee willicker, if I could go back in time, I would have been quiet and kinder. I had no idea of what so much resentment would make a person do. So be kind to your neighbors, ex-spouse or girlfriend, be tolerant of certain personality defects, try your best to be firm but always nice. Don’t piss your mother off, from all the stories I have heard, they must rank #2 in the top 5 people who call CPS. Try to get along with your siblings, aunts, uncles and step-family. This would not only improve your chances of not being falsely reported, it also strengthens your family bonds and that is positive for everyone.


A lot of calls are from “mandated reporters” who are “professionals” who can be charged with a crime for failing to report “suspected” child abuse either in criminal or civil court as well as pay a hefty fine and possibly lose their license.  I believe that there may be a minimum referral quota but I can not verify that.  

Here is a partial list of “Mandated Reporters”:

School teachers

School Nurse

School Principal

School Counselor

School Administrator

School Staff

School Volunteer

School Cafeteria Lady/Worker

School Clerk/Office Staff

School Librarian

School Social Worker

School Janitor

Hospital Doctor

Hospital Nurse

Hospital Administrator

Hospital Social Worker

Hospital Staff

Hospital Chaplin

Family Doctor

Doctor’s Nurse

Doctor’s Office Staff

Doctor’s Aide

Psychologist/Psychiatrist   Counselor/Therapist

Daycare Administrator       Daycare worker

Dentist     Dental Assistant            Dental Office Staff

Police Officers

Code Enforcement Officers

Parole Officers

Probation Officers

Animal Control Officers

Substance Abuse Program Directors, Counselors, Volunteers and Office Staff

Domestic Violence Prevention Program Directors, Counselors, Volunteers and Office Staff

Parenting Class Teacher, Administrator, Volunteers and Office Staff

Anyone who works at Macy’s Department Store (no kidding!)

Utility Workers (like the people that come out to turn on/off your electricity, water or gas)

Refuse Pick-up Drivers

Mail Delivery Persons



Each CPS office has its own referral evaluation process.  You should be able to find the one for your county by searching, “Child Welfare Policies in ____ County”.  How the agency in your area responds depends on several factors such as current case load, budget constraints and staff-to-case ratio. All too often calls will be “evaluated out” simply because they were understaffed.  You have most likely seen the news story here and there where a child died due to lack of action on the part of CPS.  Often, CPS KNOWS a child is in real danger and they don’t do a damn thing! They let that child get hurt or die just so they can spin it into needing more funding!! What shameful, despicable behavior! They even spun OUR story on the news and claimed that the reason we were able to take our son from a supervised visit at the Department of Social Services office was due lack of funding!!

1. The call center will receive the call, ask pertinent information about the child and the child’s family and/or residence and ask what the abuse is. They will ask, “How do you know?” but these questions are basic and never verified in any way. Callers can say they anything they want and even give a false name. They DO have caller ID and may call you back at some point.

2. Then a supervisor reviews the information given during the call and check their computer for any previous reports or issues using both your name and your address. They evaluate the level of “risk” with this information and some other basic background research which includes whether or not anyone in the home has a criminal record. They will most likely find out if you are receiving any kind of county and/or state financial assistance.  At least that is what is supposed to be done. If they decide to send someone out to the home or school most likely the worker will not be alone and depending on what the caller said, they may even bring the police on the first visit which most likely means that their intention is to remove your child.

THE SOCIAL WORKER WILL USE THE PRESENCE OF THE POLICE OFFICER TO INTIMIDATE YOU INTO BELIEVING THAT YOU HAVE TO LET THEM TAKE YOUR CHILD AND THAT IF YOU PROTEST YOU WILL BE ARRESTED. The bottom line is that NO WARRANT, NO ENTRY! If they had a warrant they would NOT be knocking and waiting for you to answer. I have many suggestions on how to avoid your children being taken and I shall provide a link on the side column soon but REMEMBER, CPS HAS NO POWER AND NO AUTHORITY OVER YOUR CHILD UNTIL YOU GIVE IT TO THEM! More on this subject in Lesson 2.

When my husband’s ex-wife called (over 20 times) the CPS hotline while I was in labor with my son she said, “That baby will DIE if you let it go home with them!” So NEVER UNDERESTIMATE what people will say when they call that hotline!


A couple of months ago some guy called my husband’s phone, as it can be found on, to report his neighbor. He thought he was calling CPS for some reason! Maybe he was just testing us but we played along just to see what he would say. He said that there are “a lot of people living at the house” and that he “smelled pot coming from the direction of the house”. Basically, the children play outside and it annoys him. My husband told him that someone would get back to him. My husband called me and gave me the guy’s number so I called him. I did not say I was from CPS or the county whatsoever. I just asked him what was going on and how can I help. He told me the same thing he told my husband. I asked a few more questions and implied that someone would go check on the children. I asked his name and the address of the children he was calling about. Of course, he couldn’t tell me the people’s names and he didn’t know what their address or phone numbers were he just said the house to his right or something. I googled the man’s address and looked for neighbors. The nearest neighbor is at least a half a football field away! WTF?